Thursday, December 31, 2015

My Standard NYE Reflections...

Hello World,

It's been awhile since we last spoke! A lot has changed since my last post. 2015 has definitely been a year of transition for me. I broke into the world of Group X, tackled some very challenging issues in my full-time job and decided to go back to school for accounting. I'm one busy girl. But I am definitely grateful for the opportunities that have been afforded to me!

I did have to make some tough decisions as well. As my dad always says, "growth is painful." I wish it didn't have to be but, such is life. Here are a few of my resolutions for 2016:

Read 1 book per month
Run a 10K
Run at least 3 miles a week
Meditate for 5 minutes per day

These goals will be pretty time consuming. On top of school and my regular job, I think I will have to restrict myself to only watching tv on the weekends. That's ok though! It's probably best for sleep to minimize tv in the evenings anyway.

I've definitely learned a lot this year. We always see people speaking on leaving bad friends in the past, moving on from people who have done you wrong, etc. But that doesn't make it an easy thing to do. If you've had a friend for years and it turns out that this person is a complete POS, it's ok to feel uncomfortable walking away from a friendship. Regardless of how he or she treated you, long-term friendships can be large parts of our lives.

Between work and school, I've had very little free time which has resulted in a LOT of time by myself. Sometimes being alone with your thoughts can be a really scary thing. But it's important to be in tune with yourself! For example, I am a very anxious person. When dealing with anxiety, it's very important to understand what your triggers are so that you can learn to live with them. I am obviously not a doctor, but I have had positive experience with really figuring out what triggers my anxiety and working to minimize it. Some of my other (more private) resolutions involve making some chances that force me to confront these triggers in hopes of overcoming them.

One more thing...I've been hearing the term mind/body thrown around a lot lately. It took me quite a while to even figure out what the heck it meant. As a Group X gal, the first thing I think of is yoga. After this year, I've realized that yoga is very important. You don't have to be a human pretzel either. There are many options of yoga for any skill/flexibility level. The focus required to achieve this workouts is almost like a high for me. So I definitely need some downward dogs to balance out all my tuck jumps. What's the point? Go find a yoga class! Seriously. Take some yoga in 2016. 

Happy New Year!


Sunday, August 9, 2015

Falling in Love with Love..

...ok not really. But the title was cute from a cute song in a very cute movie, so why not?

To be fair, we can say that I've returned to my "first love"...reading!
     As you can already tell, I am a little ambitious. A little bit of a "Type A". As much as I pride myself on doing things despite lack of time, I've notice that us Type A folks do tend to make another excuse. None of us have time for any fun. I have always enjoyed reading, so why not make time? I've seen the same episodes of Gilmore Girls and Big Bang Theory enough times.

     So far I've read Divergent, Insurgent and Gone Girl. Let's start with Divergent. I really appreciate the dystopian theme. Some of my favorite novels include Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (also known as Blade Runner), Nineteen Eighty-Four, Anthem, and The Hunger Games series. I think it's difficult to create a movie that portrays a fair representation of these stories, simply because a lot of the book consists of the characters thoughts. We can recognize this phenomenon in The Hunger Games, as Katniss just seems whiny and desperate in the movies. Her character is much more tolerable in the books.  In Divergent I really enjoyed learning the different characters motives and backgrounds.

Insurgent was very good as well. I watched the movies first, and now I understand the storyline better after reading the book. Again, the movie didn't do a great job of depicting thoughts or feelings of anyone beyond Tris and Tobias. The focus on the supplementary characters such as the refugee faction members really allowed me to understand the magnitude of the attacks and the uprising.

Gone Girl was...meh. The ending of the book and the ending of the movie were equally disappointing. I do think that the movie did a great job of balancing the past timeline of Amy's diary with the current timeline of Nick's search for Amy. I really enjoyed the depth of each character's perspective in the book. But, I just can't get over the disappointment of the ending. Obviously I wasn't disappointed enough by Gone Girl, so I just HAD to purchase another book by the same author... So far the ratings are just marginal. But I'll give you all an update.

Stay tuned for next time!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

I want it all...

Good Morning Blogger Viewers!

This morning shortly after I woke up, I searched for the hashtag "positivity" on instagram. I do things like this pretty frequently to find powerful, cute or funny memes to re-post and share. Several of them really spoke to me but one in particular took the cake.

After a pretty late (for me) night, I was feeling sorry for myself and planning to skip out on my workout. Some of my peers have told me that they do not understand why I am "all of a sudden" obsessed with going to the gym. I gave it some thought and determined that I don't actually know.

I have committed a lot to this. I have a very regular schedule where I do not miss my regimens unless I am going out of town, have something major come up at work, or an emergency hair appointment (let's get real-I don't miss those). Typically, the only beverage that I consume is water, coconut water or homemade fruit and veggie shakes with protein. I don't eat late and I minimize my consumption of junk food. I just ran my first 5k and I am considering options for part time employment in group fitness instruction. It's simply become a part of my life.

I believe that part of this consumption is my drive to excel at anything I do. When I commit to things, I want to need to be the best that I can possibly be. Otherwise, I will never be satisfied. Sometimes that may cause me to appear that I am rigid, or anal or "too serious". But it is a major part of who I am. I stay hungry for more.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Bright Wishes for the Future..

Hello again friends!

Once again, it is about that time when I take a step back and really contemplate my life. I've recently read several articles relating to why one should not be disappointed about having a definite life plan in one's 20s. Being Ashley, of course I always want to explore the opposite opinion. Which led me to question this theory. Why can't I have everything figured out?

Well for one thing, life very rarely works as planned. Regardless of your personal allegiance to a higher power/karma/the impact of the universe, it is almost impossible that your life will go exactly as planned. There are many unforeseen and external circumstances that can never ever ever be predicted, making it very difficult to decide exactly what will happen to yourself 5, 10 or 15 years from now.

Even as a lifelong follower of Christianity, I have a difficult time accepting this concept. I thrive off of schedules, make a lot of to do lists, and very rarely do things spontaneously. Lately I have been researching prospects for my first house, and it became evident that I just don't have it all figured out.

So what can I do here? Save every penny of my pay check that doesn't go toward bills? Live with my parents for 10 years? Sell my soul on Craigslist?

Nope. I just accepted it.

I accepted that I won't be able to buy a house today, or tomorrow, or next month, or maybe not even next year.  I accepted that there is no use in pretending that I won't spend any money on thing that I don't need (because let's face it-I just like buying stuff). I accepted that I simply do not have it all figured out.

The next thing I did was...make a list. Surprise! But this time, I made a list of my dreams. Aspirations, goals, to achieve sometime before I turn 30. This wasn't a usual Ashley list with due dates and reminders. In fact, none of my list items even related to work (but one of them does relate to school). I listed things that I would like to accomplish for my health, my financial stability and for my soul.

Some of my items are a little silly, and some are very serious. But, they are my goals. My dreams. My aspirations. They are things that directly relate to my interests, and things that I believe will truly make me happy. I very much look forward to adding onto this list, and watching it change and grow in the future.

I heard a great sermon this morning questioning "Why not?". Honestly, I don't see why I can't do all of these things. I certainly plan to do them, and I hope that you all dream big too.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Five things re: This "growing up" stuff....

It's been quite a while...I was correct to assume that the fun of my unemployed activities would not last very long. Nonetheless, I think it's time to make an update.

From my very short experience in the full time work force, I can't believe how much I have learned so far. Lately I have experienced some difficult feelings and emotions, but I guess they are necessary to really learn things. My father always tells me that growth is painful, so I would imagine that it is not an easy learning experience. I've also often heard that you spend the ages 20-25 really learning about yourself, and I am beginning to accept that as the truth. Here are some lessons that I have learned so far:

1. Budgeting sucks. I thought I was good at keeping myself on a budget. Turns out that I am-but it's extremely different when you have actual adult bills. I know that I'll never have all the money that I want, but it's important to save while I can. Seriously, being responsible is annoying. I could have probably bought 3 Louis Vuitton's and a pony by now.

2. People are mean. Everyone likes to talk about good karma and putting out vibes that you would like to receive back. All that is fine, but sometimes it doesn't work that way. People will disrespect you, stab you in the back, and drag your name through the mud after you stick your neck our for them. Sometimes it just happens.

3. It's important to say no. While I have been pretty good at eating well and exercising often, there are many more factors involved to fully take care of yourself. Sometimes you just have to take a step back and avoid activities that will require you to run on your last 5% of energy. I want to work hard while I have the energy, but I don't want to burn myself out too quickly.

4. God works in mysterious ways. If you aren't a believer, feel free to insert another higher power in reference to your own life. No matter how much you try to plan things for yourself, it ain't happening if it isn't His will.

5. Find something to laugh at. When you have the worst day ever, miss your lunch, work 2 extra hours then get stood up by some jerk, crying is not going to change any of that. On the other hand, laughing at something really funny will help alleviate you from the feeling of needing to kick out every window in sight. 

So here are my five pillars of wisdom. Life can be hard, but every challenge has the opportunity to become a personal victory. So hang in there!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

25 Days of Gratitude

Hello Friends,

You probably see that I have been neglecting my virtual space again. As I predicted, my "employed" activities have taken up much more of my free time. While I have a few days off, I'd like to write about a project that I [attempted to do] for the holidays.

You know that Kanye West song All Falls Down? The part where he says "Single black female, addicted to retail". That couldn't be more accurate. I don't know if its the various Housewives, Instagram, Pinterest, TMZ or any other media source that makes us just WANT things. I am embarrassed to admit how much money I spent on make-up in 2013 and I hardly even wear it. Frankly, this is the first time I have had a real job, with a real salary. Personally, it's really hard to convince myself that I shouldn't buy something if I want it. I go to work every day and I should have what I want. Don't get me wrong here-I have a very strict savings plan. But my free cash definitely gets spent on non-essentials.

What's my point? This has to stop somewhere. I'm not going to pretend that I didn't buy anything during these massive "After-Christmas" sales (what didn't I buy?!) but I am definitely curbing the compulsive spending. So one day, I was sitting around in my room and I thought 'Self-I wonder if I write down something I am grateful for everyday, if I will feel less compelled to want things'. Guess what? It worked.

Let's be honest here, I am not a sorceress. A fairy god parent did not appear after 4 days, wave her wand and alleviate me from wanting new clothes and shoes. Seriously, I am a woman in my early 20s. I will never stop wanting these things. I only made it consecutively for 10 of the 25 days. BUT it did allow me to regain my perspective. This project, coupled with some volunteering did remind me that I do have many more things than some other people my age. That I have everything that I need. It is ok to get new things if you have the money. But you do have to stop somewhere. So hopefully I'm getting there?

Speaking of change, why not share my resolutions with the world? I'm not quite sure who out there actually reads my blog, but maybe publishing my goals will push me to accomplish them. Here they are:
  • Finish my MS
  • Decide where I would like to live 
  • Run a 10 minute mile
  • Work out 3x/ week
  • Pay all my bills on time
  • Earn at least a 3.8
  • Earn my Zumba certification
Well that's all for today folks. Hope you all have a very happy and safe New Years!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fun Nail Care Items

Hi Friends!

As you have probably noticed I took a short break from by blog. But no fear! I am back with a vengeance. I'm no longer engaging in unemployed activities, but I will still try to post useful beauty and money saving tips!

So to reference back to my Pinterest post, today I'm writing about a cool tip I learned via Pinterest. If you like to have shiny or even matte nails, I found some great polishes and wraps to do it at home! The wrap provides a gel or shellac-like effect. Since it does not use a UV light, it is not quite the same as gel polish. But, it provides great shine if you do not wish to use the matte effect. The great part is, all of these items can be purchased at your local drug store.

1) The base coat I used here is Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Hard as Wraps nail hardener. I picked this up for about $4 from Target. This step is essential as the base coat to ensure a flat base for the polish and allows the shine to come through the polish. Make sure you only apply 1 coat of the polish, or it might form bubbles. Assure that the wrap has fully dried before applying the polish.

2) Apply 2 coats of your desired polish. For the best look, I would recommend using an OPI or Essie polish as they dry very smoothly. The polish I used here is called "Break a Leg Warmer" which I scored from Sephora in a 3 for $10 deal. Be sure to let the polish dry in between coats, as well as before proceeding to step 3.

3) Apply a quality top coat. Here, I used the regular OPI top coat which runs for $7-8. If you want shiny nails, just allow the top coat to dry and you are finished. If you would like to have a matte finish, go on to step 4.

4) Apply 1 coat of the matte polish. The polish I used is called Matte FX from Salon Perfect, I got it from Wal-Mart for only 3 bucks! Note that you must apply this coat after the top coat. If you apply the top coat after the matte, it will be shiny again. Allow the matte polish to dry and you are finished! An easy DIY manicure!

This tip from Pinterest was great for me because I have the patience (and limited skill) to do my own manis and pedis. Since I just graduated I am on a limited budget, so it's important that I look and feel good without breaking the bank :). Until next time!