Thursday, April 9, 2015

I want it all...

Good Morning Blogger Viewers!

This morning shortly after I woke up, I searched for the hashtag "positivity" on instagram. I do things like this pretty frequently to find powerful, cute or funny memes to re-post and share. Several of them really spoke to me but one in particular took the cake.

After a pretty late (for me) night, I was feeling sorry for myself and planning to skip out on my workout. Some of my peers have told me that they do not understand why I am "all of a sudden" obsessed with going to the gym. I gave it some thought and determined that I don't actually know.

I have committed a lot to this. I have a very regular schedule where I do not miss my regimens unless I am going out of town, have something major come up at work, or an emergency hair appointment (let's get real-I don't miss those). Typically, the only beverage that I consume is water, coconut water or homemade fruit and veggie shakes with protein. I don't eat late and I minimize my consumption of junk food. I just ran my first 5k and I am considering options for part time employment in group fitness instruction. It's simply become a part of my life.

I believe that part of this consumption is my drive to excel at anything I do. When I commit to things, I want to need to be the best that I can possibly be. Otherwise, I will never be satisfied. Sometimes that may cause me to appear that I am rigid, or anal or "too serious". But it is a major part of who I am. I stay hungry for more.

So the text that you see above is from a post that I began in July but never posted. This evening, I felt a nagging desire to check my blog and provide you all with some updates.

Ironically enough, I just achieved a milestone. Driven by my fitness obsession, I decided to help get other people obsessed with fitness too!  After many extra workouts, studying, and rehearsing, I am now a nationally accredited group fitness instructor! How appropriate to follow up on this draft, right?

I'm super excited to help other make a change. Regardless of your weight, regular exercise has the potential to create an extremely positive impact on your self-esteem. Achieving a tough workout or trying a new format can help one feel a great sense of accomplishment! The power provided by such a mindset is phenomenal.

After binge watching the entire season of Empire, I have been thinking a lot about power recently. Not power over others (or my 3 non-existent sons), but power over myself. Isn't it crazy how our own thoughts, attitudes and sources of motivation can impact us? Unlocking power within yourself is the key to working as a formidable force.

I firmly believe that men are intimidated by women in power. I don't mean women who have a title of leadership or a ton of money. I mean women that have high self-esteem and treat themselves with respect. I mean women that are willing to work hard despite criticism and lack of faith from others. I most certainly mean women that are willing to take the time to invest in themselves to become a better person.

I want to be a woman in power. I want other women to feel comfortable to ask me for help, and I want to be in a position to help them. I want to live a modest lifestyle, one where I can support myself and all of my financial needs. I want it all!

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