Thursday, December 31, 2015

My Standard NYE Reflections...

Hello World,

It's been awhile since we last spoke! A lot has changed since my last post. 2015 has definitely been a year of transition for me. I broke into the world of Group X, tackled some very challenging issues in my full-time job and decided to go back to school for accounting. I'm one busy girl. But I am definitely grateful for the opportunities that have been afforded to me!

I did have to make some tough decisions as well. As my dad always says, "growth is painful." I wish it didn't have to be but, such is life. Here are a few of my resolutions for 2016:

Read 1 book per month
Run a 10K
Run at least 3 miles a week
Meditate for 5 minutes per day

These goals will be pretty time consuming. On top of school and my regular job, I think I will have to restrict myself to only watching tv on the weekends. That's ok though! It's probably best for sleep to minimize tv in the evenings anyway.

I've definitely learned a lot this year. We always see people speaking on leaving bad friends in the past, moving on from people who have done you wrong, etc. But that doesn't make it an easy thing to do. If you've had a friend for years and it turns out that this person is a complete POS, it's ok to feel uncomfortable walking away from a friendship. Regardless of how he or she treated you, long-term friendships can be large parts of our lives.

Between work and school, I've had very little free time which has resulted in a LOT of time by myself. Sometimes being alone with your thoughts can be a really scary thing. But it's important to be in tune with yourself! For example, I am a very anxious person. When dealing with anxiety, it's very important to understand what your triggers are so that you can learn to live with them. I am obviously not a doctor, but I have had positive experience with really figuring out what triggers my anxiety and working to minimize it. Some of my other (more private) resolutions involve making some chances that force me to confront these triggers in hopes of overcoming them.

One more thing...I've been hearing the term mind/body thrown around a lot lately. It took me quite a while to even figure out what the heck it meant. As a Group X gal, the first thing I think of is yoga. After this year, I've realized that yoga is very important. You don't have to be a human pretzel either. There are many options of yoga for any skill/flexibility level. The focus required to achieve this workouts is almost like a high for me. So I definitely need some downward dogs to balance out all my tuck jumps. What's the point? Go find a yoga class! Seriously. Take some yoga in 2016. 

Happy New Year!


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