Tuesday, December 31, 2013

25 Days of Gratitude

Hello Friends,

You probably see that I have been neglecting my virtual space again. As I predicted, my "employed" activities have taken up much more of my free time. While I have a few days off, I'd like to write about a project that I [attempted to do] for the holidays.

You know that Kanye West song All Falls Down? The part where he says "Single black female, addicted to retail". That couldn't be more accurate. I don't know if its the various Housewives, Instagram, Pinterest, TMZ or any other media source that makes us just WANT things. I am embarrassed to admit how much money I spent on make-up in 2013 and I hardly even wear it. Frankly, this is the first time I have had a real job, with a real salary. Personally, it's really hard to convince myself that I shouldn't buy something if I want it. I go to work every day and I should have what I want. Don't get me wrong here-I have a very strict savings plan. But my free cash definitely gets spent on non-essentials.

What's my point? This has to stop somewhere. I'm not going to pretend that I didn't buy anything during these massive "After-Christmas" sales (what didn't I buy?!) but I am definitely curbing the compulsive spending. So one day, I was sitting around in my room and I thought 'Self-I wonder if I write down something I am grateful for everyday, if I will feel less compelled to want things'. Guess what? It worked.

Let's be honest here, I am not a sorceress. A fairy god parent did not appear after 4 days, wave her wand and alleviate me from wanting new clothes and shoes. Seriously, I am a woman in my early 20s. I will never stop wanting these things. I only made it consecutively for 10 of the 25 days. BUT it did allow me to regain my perspective. This project, coupled with some volunteering did remind me that I do have many more things than some other people my age. That I have everything that I need. It is ok to get new things if you have the money. But you do have to stop somewhere. So hopefully I'm getting there?

Speaking of change, why not share my resolutions with the world? I'm not quite sure who out there actually reads my blog, but maybe publishing my goals will push me to accomplish them. Here they are:
  • Finish my MS
  • Decide where I would like to live 
  • Run a 10 minute mile
  • Work out 3x/ week
  • Pay all my bills on time
  • Earn at least a 3.8
  • Earn my Zumba certification
Well that's all for today folks. Hope you all have a very happy and safe New Years!

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