Monday, July 29, 2013

Why you should use Pinterest...

Hello everyone!

I hope all of you had an excellent weekend and are enjoying the Summer. As I mentioned in my first post, I've finally had time to participate in unemployed activities. So, I've been spending a lot of time on Pinterest. I've learned a lot of cool stuff, and I figured I'd share some things with you.

Why wouldn't you want to use it? Well the concept does seem pretty lame. When I first heard about it I had similar thoughts. But, since I have actually learned how to use it, re-pin it, I know find it extremely useful.

  1. Recipes

Oven "Fries"

Food and drink is definitely my largest board. I love to cook but I do not know how to make a lot of things so I tend to pin a ton of recipes and tips. I also like to blend different kinds of fruit or green drinks so there are lots of tips as far as what you should add and how to properly use a magic bullet (it's not as effortless as it looks on tv).

2. Boards

 Pinterest is the digital version of a bulletin board (obviously). Again, when I first saw it I thought 'this is stupid'. But, the concept of repinning to your own boards is actually useful. Say you find a good article or recipe and you bookmark it in your web browser. I don't know about you, but that just creates more files for me to organize and I forget where they are or whats on there anyway. With the option to create and label your own boards, it keeps things organized for you!

3. Organization
Jewelry Wall
I live in a really small space so I am trying to make the best out of it. There are so many great pins on how to keep your entire home organized as well as office space and paper documents. I created this jewelry wall from instructions that I saw on Pinterest. Granted this is the "beta" version, I have since painted the rods and I am looking to line the board with fabric or something more fun. But this was extremely easy, quick, and cost me $0.00 because I had all of these items around the house already.

So, these 3 points were quick since I didn't want to bore anyone to death. But, Pinterest is an excellent resource that is easy to use and teaches you how to do a lot of things inexpensively. So, I hope you will give it a shot.

Happy Pinning!

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