Sunday, July 6, 2014

Bright Wishes for the Future..

Hello again friends!

Once again, it is about that time when I take a step back and really contemplate my life. I've recently read several articles relating to why one should not be disappointed about having a definite life plan in one's 20s. Being Ashley, of course I always want to explore the opposite opinion. Which led me to question this theory. Why can't I have everything figured out?

Well for one thing, life very rarely works as planned. Regardless of your personal allegiance to a higher power/karma/the impact of the universe, it is almost impossible that your life will go exactly as planned. There are many unforeseen and external circumstances that can never ever ever be predicted, making it very difficult to decide exactly what will happen to yourself 5, 10 or 15 years from now.

Even as a lifelong follower of Christianity, I have a difficult time accepting this concept. I thrive off of schedules, make a lot of to do lists, and very rarely do things spontaneously. Lately I have been researching prospects for my first house, and it became evident that I just don't have it all figured out.

So what can I do here? Save every penny of my pay check that doesn't go toward bills? Live with my parents for 10 years? Sell my soul on Craigslist?

Nope. I just accepted it.

I accepted that I won't be able to buy a house today, or tomorrow, or next month, or maybe not even next year.  I accepted that there is no use in pretending that I won't spend any money on thing that I don't need (because let's face it-I just like buying stuff). I accepted that I simply do not have it all figured out.

The next thing I did was...make a list. Surprise! But this time, I made a list of my dreams. Aspirations, goals, to achieve sometime before I turn 30. This wasn't a usual Ashley list with due dates and reminders. In fact, none of my list items even related to work (but one of them does relate to school). I listed things that I would like to accomplish for my health, my financial stability and for my soul.

Some of my items are a little silly, and some are very serious. But, they are my goals. My dreams. My aspirations. They are things that directly relate to my interests, and things that I believe will truly make me happy. I very much look forward to adding onto this list, and watching it change and grow in the future.

I heard a great sermon this morning questioning "Why not?". Honestly, I don't see why I can't do all of these things. I certainly plan to do them, and I hope that you all dream big too.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Five things re: This "growing up" stuff....

It's been quite a while...I was correct to assume that the fun of my unemployed activities would not last very long. Nonetheless, I think it's time to make an update.

From my very short experience in the full time work force, I can't believe how much I have learned so far. Lately I have experienced some difficult feelings and emotions, but I guess they are necessary to really learn things. My father always tells me that growth is painful, so I would imagine that it is not an easy learning experience. I've also often heard that you spend the ages 20-25 really learning about yourself, and I am beginning to accept that as the truth. Here are some lessons that I have learned so far:

1. Budgeting sucks. I thought I was good at keeping myself on a budget. Turns out that I am-but it's extremely different when you have actual adult bills. I know that I'll never have all the money that I want, but it's important to save while I can. Seriously, being responsible is annoying. I could have probably bought 3 Louis Vuitton's and a pony by now.

2. People are mean. Everyone likes to talk about good karma and putting out vibes that you would like to receive back. All that is fine, but sometimes it doesn't work that way. People will disrespect you, stab you in the back, and drag your name through the mud after you stick your neck our for them. Sometimes it just happens.

3. It's important to say no. While I have been pretty good at eating well and exercising often, there are many more factors involved to fully take care of yourself. Sometimes you just have to take a step back and avoid activities that will require you to run on your last 5% of energy. I want to work hard while I have the energy, but I don't want to burn myself out too quickly.

4. God works in mysterious ways. If you aren't a believer, feel free to insert another higher power in reference to your own life. No matter how much you try to plan things for yourself, it ain't happening if it isn't His will.

5. Find something to laugh at. When you have the worst day ever, miss your lunch, work 2 extra hours then get stood up by some jerk, crying is not going to change any of that. On the other hand, laughing at something really funny will help alleviate you from the feeling of needing to kick out every window in sight. 

So here are my five pillars of wisdom. Life can be hard, but every challenge has the opportunity to become a personal victory. So hang in there!